News 11 Mar 2009

The Go: The Greatest Job

Gobert gives readers an insider's perspective on life as a motorcycle journalist. Is it everything that it's cracked up to be? You betcha!

Gobert deep in thought as he writes notes on the Honda Fireblade

Gobert deep in thought as he writes notes on the Honda Fireblade

Sometimes I have to pinch myself. It’s very common among humans working in a field that they truly enjoy to gloat that they’ve got the greatest job in the world, and I’ll admit that I am one of those people.

You see, growing up in a racing family, being around motorcycles has always been part of my life. When I was old enough to become a professional racer I did, before eventually moving on to the media role that I work in now, and I’m more than happy with the decision that I made.

What’s not to love about being a person in the motorcycle media? We get to test ride almost every bike on the planet, review (and usually keep) all the latest products and gadgets, fly on overseas ‘holidays’ free of charge to bike launches, and even rub shoulders with some of the best racers on the planet.

It’s probably about now that you’re picking up your closest magazine and looking for a job, right?

But being a motorcycle journalist is also a very critical job. Your every word is in print, bike tests are often questioned when you’re simply voicing your opinion, interviews aren’t always kind, and to be honest, flying to Europe for a single night of sleep to test before you come straight back home again isn’t exactly a vacation.

Making sure that you believe every word that you write about anything or anybody is the single most important thing about being a moto-journo, because your word is everything in this game. Whether people agree, or disagree, in something that you write, as long as you stand by what you write in your stories they’ll usually be a success. To get to that point you need to do your homework and research, ensuring that all facts are as correct as possible.

It’s the excitement and anticipation of what’s coming up next that keeps me motivated, though. One week I’ll be digging for news on a top secret news story, another week I’ll be doing a bike test, the next I’ll be covering a race meeting, and then after that you could probably find me holding a voice recorder to your favourite racer’s face.

Sure, the countless hours typing stories and searching for information may get tiring at times, but compare it to hard labour and this computer chair that I’m currently lounging in feels better than ever.

Now, where’s the key to that new Yamaha YZF-R1 that I just picked up to do a Full Test? I better get out on the open roads to go and do some more ‘work’.

You’ll never get bored of tests here on, because they’ll be produced for any bike that we can get our hands on to give you the deepest possible insight into the bikes on the Australian market. It’s the best part of the job.
