News 22 Jun 2009

GA 1: Triple Treat

Defending Australian Superbike Champion Glenn Allerton checks in to update us on his Queensland success, where he won three from four races.

Allerton and fiancée Alana on the grid at Queensland Raceway

Allerton and fiancée Alana on the grid at Queensland Raceway

Hi everyone,

A lot has happened since the last time I wrote in!

The Queensland round 3a and 3b double-header was our first real hit out with the new promoter of the Australian Superbike Championship (ASBK) and I have to say a big congratulations to Yarrive Konsky and his crew at the International Entertainment Group for the great weekend.

My weekend started out great, being quickest in the first two sessions of practice, which was a surprise to me considering that our Motologic team didn’t test at Willowbank Raceway in the lead up to the event.

At the end of qualifying I ended up second and just two thousands of a second off Josh Waters, with my teammate Wayne Maxwell third and Kev Curtain on the Kawasaki fourth.

Race one went really well for me from the start, leading early before Waters passed me and then Dan Stauffer passed me, which didn’t worry me to much as I knew we had a long race ahead of us.

But that all changed in the very next corner when Dan high-sided in front of me, which left me with nowhere to go but off the track and into the grass. Luckily for me the race was red flagged as I had dropped to 11th place in my off-track adventure.

After the restart I made my way to the front by the third turn and never looked back. By the end of the race I had a five second lead and it was an awesome feeling to win again as it had been over two months since our last race.

Race two was a little different for me as I lead from the start, but I had company in the form of Waters the whole way, and trust me, 16 laps is tough with a rival like him within 0.03 of your backside the whole way.

But I hung onto the lead and managed to break away with two laps to go, so to see that chequered flag was awesome. With that result I took the overall win for round 3a on Saturday.

Straight after the race we had a new session on the track called Superpole, with each rider getting one flying lap to put down a time to determine the starting grid for Sunday’s races in round 3b.

It was an awesome thing to be a part of and even though I end up fifth I really enjoyed the new format and it’s something that I think the fans will enjoy in the future.

Race one on Sunday was almost a carbon-copy of the race on Saturday afternoon, with me out front and Waters in tow. Waters got past me on lap eight, which gave me the opportunity to see where Josh’s strengths and weakness were on the track. I made a push for the lead with two laps to go, passing waters on the brakes at the end of the back straight, and hung on to win my fourth race in a row.

Sunday’s second race was as tough as it gets for a rider.

All the Superbike riders rolled out for the start procedure on our dry bikes, but the rain fell on the warm-up lap, forcing everyone back to the pits for our wet bikes. As they called us back out to run the wet race there was an electrical glitch on my spare bike with wet settings and I only made it to the end of pit lane.

With time and options running out quickly I ran back to my number one dry bike still fitted with slicks and rode out to grid up.

Considering how wet the track was the first two laps went really well for me, holding in the top ten, but as the guys around me felt out the grip with their wet tyres they slowly came past and pulled away.

The track soon started to dry out at the north end of the circuit and my times levelled out to the riders in front. As I started to gain on the riders in front I got a little too excited and locked the front brake going into turn four, which was still wet, and I ran off the track.

I was lucky to stay on the bike and it took me a lap to get myself calmed down. After that I pushed on and at that point I think I was 10th, but as the laps passed by the dry line was getting wider and wider.

Slick tyres were at a massive advantage at that point of the race, so I caught and passed a few guys including Jamie Stauffer. I then moved forward and passed Dan Stauffer and Craig Coxhell, and then starting the last lap I could see Robbie Bugden a long way ahead, at least seven seconds, which spurred me on and I caught him in the double left-handers and made the pass in the last turn to take fifth.

With Maxwell taking the win and Waters second I still took the overall win.

It was an amazing weekend for me and the Motologic Racing team, winning all four races, and I was happy for Wayne to get his first win in a point scoring race – both of our crew’s worked exceptionally well over the weekend.

In the week following the race I stayed on the Gold Coast with my fiancée Alana and her daughter Havana. We had a great time on the beach and also visiting Movie World, although after the 10th time on the Road Runner roller coaster I felt a little dizzy!

The whole Queensland trip was a blast and I have to say thanks to my family and friends for making the trip to support me, but the hard work now continues and I’m back into my routine of running, cycling and swimming so I’m ready for the next event at Eastern Creek on 7-9 August.

I can’t wait to hit the track at my home race and it’s a place that I am yet to take an overall win, which is something that I plan on changing on that weekend, which will be the fourth round of the ASBK series.

Until next time, stay safe, and see you at the Creek!

GlennThe Hitcher psp
