It's taken me a little bit to think of how to remember Woose, but if you look at social networking pages around the world it's obvious the impact Ken left on the sport.
I remember writing to Ken midway through 2005 when I was riding for Erion Honda in the AMA, asking him for a job of sorts at AMCN. I don't think he ever did quite understand why I would quit racing to be a bike journo, but I've never regretted it since.
At that point Ken was really helpful even though he'd just become 'Editor in Chief' of the mag when Mick Matheson took over as Editor. I'll still remember the initial meeting with them forever as it was a turning point of my career and life in general.
From there I remember Ken loved his Krispy Kreme donuts at work, as well as sharing them with everyone around the office. Once he moved back to Melbourne I didn't see him so often apart from ASBK races and the odd bike launch, but I read his stuff including Motorcycle Trader all the way up until today.
It's a sad story, a shock to the sport and industry as a whole. It's only now that people are realising KW's contributions to the sport and his death will be felt for a long time to come on many levels, especially the ASBK.
Here at it's been a challenge to manage news with my AMCN work, but his passing makes me realise just how much I have enjoyed working with the team there all along and I'm glad I've respected their requests not to place too much of my genuine news on here before it's in the mag. It is a compromise, but AMCN always has been the place to get the best news first thanks to Ken and it remains that way to this date.
RIP #16