News 21 Feb 2012

AFX-SBK to get more air time on SPEED TV this season

Australian Road & Track Rider Promotions the promoters of YMF Loan Yamaha Australian FX-Superbike Championship Series are pleased to announce that the series will receive an expanded presence on Fox’s own 24/7 dedicated motorsport channel SPEED TV in 2012.

Australian Road & Track Rider Promotions the promoters of YMF Loan Yamaha Australian FX-Superbike Championship Series are pleased to announce that the series will receive an expanded presence on Fox’s own 24/7 dedicated motorsport channel SPEED TV in 2012.

Not only will the Australian championship motorcycle road race series have its own stand alone shows on SPEED TV, but the amount of coverage will grow considerably to three dedicated one hour shows which will go to air at 9:30 pm Friday nights for three consecutive weeks just after the very popular Friday night InSide Speed show.

“Having three one hour shows will allow us to expand our coverage of all of the very popular classes in the AFX-SBK championship series.” said Terry O’Neill the managing director of ARTRP.

“The first show of each of the three shows after each round will cover the premier FX-Superbike class covering all three Sunday races, the second show will do similar for the extremely popular FX600 class. The final one hour show will cover Formula Oz, Pro-Twins/Nakedbikes and the newly named Ultra-Lites class that has the combined FX125GP machines, FX400’s and the Supermono classes racing together.”

While the expanded coverage benefits all classes in the 2012 AFX-SBK Championship series the one class that gains the most out of the expanded coverage is the FX600 class which like the FX-Superbike class gets its own stand alone one hour show per round on SPEED TV.

“SPEED TV management has already been able to provide us with the times and dates for the first rounds stand alone shows which means we can now let as many potential viewers out there know as soon as possible when they can watch some excellent top notch Australian motorcycle road racing on SPEED TV.”

“Being able to announce well in advance our SPEED TV shows timeslots will be of great benefit to all stakeholders in the AFX-SBK series including our sponsors and competitors alike and because of the extensive coverage the series is getting it gives another excellent reason for all Australian motorcycle sports fans to watch SPEED TV.”
