News 3 Dec 2013

Marquez undergoes nasal surgery to improve breathing

Current MotoGP World Champion Marc Marquez has gone under the knife in a bid to improve his breathing through his nose.

Marc Marquez goes under the knife to fix his deviated septum.

Marc Marquez goes under the knife to fix his deviated septum. Image: MotoGP.

Current MotoGP World Champion Marc Marquez has gone under the knife in a bid to improve his breathing through his nose.

Marquez was admitted to the Universitari QuirĂ³n Dexeus Hospital in Barcelona, where he had an operation to correct a deviated septum that he suffered from.

The nasal septum is the wall of bone and cartilage between the nostrils that separates the two nasal passages; it supports the nose and directs airflow.

A deviated septum is when the cartilage or bone is not straight, resulting in breathing difficulties.

As a temporary fix Marquez wore nasal strips across his nose in an attempt to open up his nasal airway and improve breathing throughout the race.

Marquez has since been released from hospital and must now rest for a week.
