What was said ahead of the Valencia final round.
At the Valencia GP on Thursday the Permanent Bureau of the FIM MotoGP World Championship addressed the MotoGP riders following the events that occurred at the Malaysian Grand Prix and further developments over the following week.
Given the exceptional circumstances, the Permanent Bureau of MotoGP – comprising of FIM president Vito Ippolito and Dorna Sports CEO Carmelo Ezpeleta – summoned all MotoGP riders and their respective team managers to address the situation on Thursday. This is the official statement from the meeting:
First and foremost, sport must prevail. This Sunday is the last race of the year, and it is sport that needs to win. We are proud of the magnificent races you have given us this year. They continue to foster interest in our championship all around the world. We also want to thank you for that.
Over the past days, there have unfortunately been some controversies that have surpassed the limits of a healthy passion and, on occasions, logic itself. You have millions of followers all around the world. They watch and admire your achievements on the track. And they also listen closely to what you say.
What you do and say, could have consequences that are not in keeping with the noble values of our sport.
In the name of the permanent bureau, the FIM and the promoter, Dorna, I would like to remind you that we are the only sporting organisation in the world that draws up its regulations for one of its flagship championships with the agreement of all parties.
That is the role of the Grand Prix Commission, where the FIM, Dorna, MSMA and IRTA are all represented. We know that the rules can always be improved, and having said that, I repeat that every change will be made with the consent of those concerned.
In addition to the GP Commission, we have also set up the Safety Commission, in which riders are consulted on a regular basis about safety issues. Here too we are pioneers in the world of motor sport.
Once again, we want you to be aware that we intend to pursue our policy of keeping the doors open in order to hear your opinions and to allow you to contribute to making this great Championship even better. We would like to emphasise, that for next year, some changes will be made to prevent this from happening again.
We also want to remind you of the values of our sport: exemplarity, fair play, sportsmanship and courtesy. Our officials will be vigilant in observing the fair play and sporting behaviour of every one of you and will be very strict with any infringement of our sporting rules.
We must remember that we organise and practise sport at the professional level, not only because it is entertaining and extraordinary but to showcase the values we believe in. The next race will be broadcast live and followed by a very large number of spectators.
We therefore have ahead of us a golden opportunity to demonstrate to the world the highest values of our sport, and in so doing, to set a great example. We would also like to assure everybody that this weekend we will pay even more attention to what occurs on the track for the benefit of the sport.
Thank you all and have a good race!